j u n e // 2 0 1 6

hi there.

it's been a long month. but not terrible. just long.

I'm thankful that I haven't gotten sad this month. I've been stressed, tired, and worried, but the depression that typically comes with the summer months has yet to strike. and although I am stressed, tired, and worried, it's a blessing that I'm not struggling with that. I said last month that I hoped the happiness that was keeping me going would stick around; I'm so grateful I can say that, for the most part, it has.

still relevant, though. 

but other than that, this month has been rather unimpressive.

school? yeah, I did some of that. the main source of my stress, actually. I'm doing really well in my classes, thank God, but for a while, I was behind on homework and words weren't coming out right and I didn't want to be writing essays about Hemingway, gosh dang it, I wanted to write about Matt. so that was frustrating, but last week was really nice, because I had very little to do other than not fail my midterms.

I feel like I did a pretty good job with sticking to my blogging schedule? (except for one week whoops). my favourite posts this month have been i want to believe, my vampire detective review, and my beautiful people post.  I'm getting closer and closer to being able to hold a "normal" job, both physically and mentally, so one of my goals for July is to write as many posts for both July and August without losing my mind. which may or may not prove to be possible. but if I do find a job that works, I want to be prepared. not gonna let this habit drop like I did when I started attending college for the first time.

but this is actually me

also watched a lot of tv this month--gotta combat that stress somehow. some of my favourites are Mr. Robot, Lucky Romance, Doctors, New Girl, and Teen Wolf (Megan and I are rewatching and I'm so ready for season 6 help). I am also in love with this new drama Squad 38--it's like if Now You See Me were a tv show (and had more than one girl in it).

not the drama I expected but the drama I needed.
also bless Rami Malek and his hair fluffs


my sister was gone all month, which was weird--it's like having a part of me three hours away. however, it's good for me to get used to her being away, because she's leaving for college in August. *cries a million tears* who will watch Teen Wolf with me and admire how pretty undercuts are??? *sighs*

who will make funny faces with me????

I read a TON of books this month, which I will chat about in my first honest to goodness TBR post...I haven't done one of those in months, and since I'm loving putting together bookstagram posts, I figured I'd give it a shot. I'll be actually be doing reviews on some of these, but my favourite books this month were The Winner's Curse (a reread), Althea and Oliver, and The Witch Hunter.

same, Rory, same...

writing this month has not happened, plain and simple. except for the past two weeks, where I've written about two times, I haven't done much at all since school started. going to make time for that in July, because I really miss it...and I keep remembering what it was like to write this book last summer. sometimes I get very nostalgic over the weirdest of sentences. but I'm really excited to see where this goes. my goal is to finish this rewriting of the great ones before 2017. or earlier, if possible. 

also, I had real ice cream for the first time this month. after almost a year, it tasted just as good (although, I still really like cashew milk.) definitely the best part of June.

I was going to paint my room this month, but because of school, I've been too busy. maybe in July. I also want to repaint/make new bookshelves, because mine are warping and a very ugly shade of brown. but that requires money...which also requires a job. but it'll happen. 

call me boring, but I love black and white, near minimalistic rooms. I'm planning to paint my room a cool white

I'm really not looking forward to the 4th of July, mostly because I used to love the holiday, but now that I have my sensory issues, I can't handle the loudness of the fireworks at all. but hopefully it won't be as bad as last year. 

the biggest thing I'm excited about for July is potentially getting to see Faith (getting off school for a month is right behind that, though...) after three years, we are finally making serious plans to see each other! it is gonna be AMAZING. 

P.S I chopped off all my hair and now I can look a little like Dana Scully. all my dreams are alive.

what did you get done in June, or what are your plans and hopes for July? did you guys enjoy your June, or was it just...long?

see y'all in July!



  1. Oh man, that interviewer/mom/chair thing is totally me...like, 100%. And HEATHENS WHAT UP. So good! I think June was kind of a long and short month for me. I don't know how it's already July, but it wasn't like June just zipped by...odd. I'm glad to hear June was a relatively rad month for you. Here's to hoping July is just as good!

    Also: I feel ya on the writing struggle. I make so many excuses about writing nowadays, it's not even funny. lol

    1. Yeah, June slipped by without seeming like it was rushing by. Don't know how it did that. I hope your July has been good to you as well!

  2. The hair is very Scully, I am so jealous!

    HEATHENS!!!!! its soo good.

    1. thank you! I have to straighten it to get the complete Scully look, but it's still pretty cute when my hair goes wavy/curly!


  3. Your hair looks awesome! I just recently dyed my hair and I'm loving it. My July plans involve editing and going to NYC and Philly! ^ ^ I'm so excited.


    1. thank you! ooh dyeing hair sounds fun! what color did you go with? ahhh yeah, traveling is great fun. I'm planning on doing some of that too, once I finish my summer classes. :)

  4. I'm glad it was an okay month for you! *hugs* And oh my goodness your hair is so cute.

    1. awww thank you friend! (for both the compliment and the hug--hugs are always good. :) )

  5. awww, I'm sorry June was weird and bitty for you. that just sounds sucky. :/ hope July is treating you better. :(


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